Live Punjab Weather and AQI Report: December 18, 2024
Today, December 18, 2024, the temperature in Punjab is 21.74°C. The minimum and highest temperatures for the day are predicted to be 10.53°C and 22.51°C, respectively. The wind speed is 12 km/h, and the relative humidity is 12%. At 07:32 AM, the sun rose, and it will set at 05:41 PM.
Punjab is expected to see a low temperature of 10.3 °C and a maximum temperature of 22.07 °C tomorrow, Thursday, December 19, 2024. The humidity will be 16% tomorrow.
According to the forecast, there will be clouds in the sky today. Please adjust your plans for the day based on the expected weather and temperature. As you take advantage of the sunshine, remember to use sunglasses and sunscreen.
With an AQI of 500.0 today, Punjab is classified as dangerous. Everyone should minimize their outdoor activities and exercise caution. It is strongly recommended to use masks and air-purifying equipment. Planning the day’s activities and making decisions about one’s general well-being are made easier when one is aware of the AQI.
Forecasts for Punjab’s weather and AQI over the next seven days:
December 18, 2024, weather in other cities